Logotipo Papavero Filmsv2

The idea of Papaverofilms came about of a group of students and alumni of the Scuola di Cinema of Milan. At the time, we were filming what would become our first documentary, La culla delle aquile, in the Ligurian Alps. We were all just over twenty years old and we needed to create a legal entity in order to receive a small fund that would help us cover the costs of the film.

Then things evolved in an unexpected way: the film, began to gain certain international attention, we saw that the company had potential and we made an investment for the future. In the ten years since, our editorial line has not changed: we make mainly creative and independent documentaries which tell local stories set in unique places sometimes impossible to find on the world map, and which, thanks to the cinema, become universal paradigms capable of connecting people and communities on the other side of the world.

In 2012 the success of our first co-production Under the Shadow of the Cross, in Spain and South America has enabled us to expand our range of action overseas as well. Papaverofilms established itself as one of the few companies in Italy who are specialized in coproducing with South America and Spain. Alessandro Pugno is the CEO of the company.